Chennai, India.

Fitness Training

Training Exercises

Our trainers utilize the best practices in athletics training and employ a systematic, scientific and holistic methodology. The training methodology essentially comprises of cardio and well-rounded routine activities, such as stretching, strength training, among others.

Anaerobic Training

Anaerobic training improves speed and power and involves speed runs of short distances on a range of terrains, including hills and synthetic surfaces.

Intervel Training

Interval training involves a short run in which running speed and intensity are varied at specific intervals. Interval training improves speed and cardiovascular fitness.

Hill Workout

Hill workouts consist of three variations: runs on short & steep hills, long & gradual hills and long & steep hills. Hill workouts improve your strength and speed.

Fartlek Training

Fartlek is a Swedish term that means, “Speed Play”. Fartlek training involves a blend of continuous and interval training, and is more unstructured. Fartlek training improves your speed and anaerobic threshold.


Aerobic training improves cardiovascular capacity, enhances cardio efficiency, conditions the muscles and builds endurance. It involves long, slow, continuous runs.


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Vincera Social Marathon 2024


30th June 2024 Sunday


1KM | 3KM | 5KM and 10KM Marathon


Elliot’s Beach Besant Nagar

Report Time

5.00 am

Registration Fee